Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Don't Forget Japan

The online blogs and footage around what is going on in Tokyo deserve some serious attention.

When I went to Tokyo last January I had the luck of meeting Cameron McKean and his nice girlfriend Hannah through my good from Naoko Higashi. His blog Workingtowards.com shows how dramatic the earthquake has effected everyone out there. (I took the photo above from it)

Patrick Tsai's Talking Barnacles has a week long first person diary documenting the quake which I couldnt stop reading.

There are also a number of creative projects happening internationally to raise money for Japan. Magazine +81 is working on a creative project which I'm getting involved with - more info in future. In London 3939shop is doing an event and art auction for Japan which I'll put up details about soon. To make a donation to the Red Cross click here

Of all the footage I've watched this was one of the craziest

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